Rhyason: Legal Reasoning vs. Common Sense
Perhaps the summer vacation has dulled any legal reasoning abilities I may have gained in the past two years of law school, but reviewing the recent Supreme Court of Canada...
Perhaps the summer vacation has dulled any legal reasoning abilities I may have gained in the past two years of law school, but reviewing the recent Supreme Court of Canada...
On September 13, 2007, the SCC rejected an application for leave to appeal by the Alliance for Marriage and the Family (the “Alliance”) in the case of Alliance for Marriage...
The decision from the SCC in R. v. Hape, 2007 SCC 26 illustrates the dangers that lie in developing theory on a bad set of facts. The central feature of...
R. v. Pittiman, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 381, broaches the related issues of inconsistent verdicts among co-accused and the legal decision-making ability of juries. The appellant, Roopnarine Pittiman, was jointly charged...