Post-Grant: Does It Even Matter?
Introduction In light of the extraordinary staying power of the SCC’s decision in Grant—the continuous discussions, winning the title of “Judgment of the Year”, and nearly sweeping the “Ozzys”—we’ve decided...
Introduction In light of the extraordinary staying power of the SCC’s decision in Grant—the continuous discussions, winning the title of “Judgment of the Year”, and nearly sweeping the “Ozzys”—we’ve decided...
Introduction Now this seems to be a novel solution to our legal aid problems. Those who spend their summers attuned to the legal world may remember the legal aid boycott...
Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) heard arguments and reserved judgment in Withler v Canada (Attorney General) (see 2008 BCCA 539), the first case in over two years to challenge legislation...
This past Monday (March 1, 2010), the Ontario Court of Appeal heard arguments from Rob Ramage’s lawyers in the appeal of their client’s convictions and sentence for dangerous driving and impaired driving...