The Shafia Case and Unwelcome Changes to The Palmer Test
To set the stage for this post on R v Shafia 2016 ONCA 812 (presently on leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)), I turn to the...
To set the stage for this post on R v Shafia 2016 ONCA 812 (presently on leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)), I turn to the...
It is an uncanny convenience that immediately following Prime Minister Trudeau’s abandonment of his electoral reform promise, the announcement of a revamped Court Challenges Program emerges. The Program provides some...
When the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in R v Bingley, 2015 ONCA [Bingley] (recently heard by the SCC, awaiting decision) was released last April, I was shocked. The case...
Canada’s eighth Chief Justice, Sir Lyman Duff, sits in his easy chair by the roaring fire in his home at 488 Wilbrod Street. Kenneth Campbell, his assistant, occupies a familiar...